Strategy Session – Competitive Pokemon XXII: Raichu

Continuing our look at the Pikachu evolutionary line, this week we’ll be looking at the electric mouse’s final evolution, Raichu. The big mouse has some unique strategies, mostly thanks to its improved defense and speed, but still has some serious issues.

HP: 60 Atk: 90 Def: 55 Sp Atk: 90 Sp Def: 80 Spd: 100
Ability: Static: When this Pokemon is struck by a contact move, the attacking Pokemon has a 30% chance to become Paralyzed.

Raichu is one of those unusual examples of an evolved Pokemon not being quite as good as its pre-evolved form. In this case, Raichu’s improved defenses simply cannot make up for the huge drop in offensive power caused by the loss of the Light Ball. As with Pikachu, Raichu is almost never seen outside of the Never Used tier, but thanks to largely average statistics all around, Raichu is more unlikely to be seen in higher tiers than its pre-evolution. Raichu’s lack of resistances, somewhat cramped movepool, and blindingly average stats give it a really tough time being useful on most teams.

However, Raichu does have a few advantages over Pikachu. For a start, the fact that it doesn’t have to rely on Light Ball means that it can pull off some tricks with items (Focus Sash in particular) without sacrificing its offensive potential. And although its defenses still aren’t all that good — it’s tough to have a defense above “terrible” with a base HP of 60 — it’s sturdy enough to make use of Nasty Plot, giving it the ability to rival Pikachu’s offense if given the time to set up.

Overall, Raichu’s got a lot of problems and only a few saving graces, but it can do a number of things that Pikachu can’t, so don’t treat it as just a slightly bulkier shock mouse.

La Ratte
Raichu @Life Orb
Timid (+Spd, -Atk) or Modest (+Sp Atk, -Atk) nature
Static ability
252 Sp Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Nasty Plot
-Grass Knot
-Hidden Power Ice / Encore
Unlike Pikachu, Raichu doesn’t fall over dead when sneezed on, so it’s a much better candidate for a Nasty Plot set. The biggest issues here are that Raichu’s defenses still aren’t that great, so it requires a great deal of caution to use, and coverage. Thunderbolt, Grass Knot, and Hidden Power Ice provide some solid coverage in NU, but leaves Raichu without any defensive measures. Encore is a great way to force switches and mess with foes who think they can use Raichu as setup bait, though Substitute would also work here.

Ratte, Saône-et-Loire
Raichu @Leichi Berry
Adamant (+Atk, -Sp Atk) nature
Static ability
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Sp Def
-Focus Punch
A bizarre set for Raichu, which focuses on getting Raichu’s HP down to where Leichi Berry activates, boosting the rat’s Atk and giving it access to a powerful Flail. Since NU is home to more than just a few Steel/Rock types that will 4x resist Flail, Focus Punch is included to break them down, but Raichu will still have a lot of trouble with Ghost-types. Thankfully, you’ll only have to worry about Banette and Sableye, neither of whom have the defenses to survive repeated smackings with a boosted ThunderPunch.

Incidentally, this set could benefit from the inclusion of Endure, a move unique to those shiny Pichus Gamestop is giving out that I mentioned last week. Unfortunately, Flail is only available through breeding, meaning you can’t have both Flail and Endure on the same set. Alas, lost possibilities.

Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte
Raichu @Choice Specs
Modest (+Sp Atk, -Atk) nature
Static ability
252 Sp Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Grass Knot
-Hidden Power Ice
-Focus Blast
In all honesty, I don’t think Raichu works too well as a Choice Specs Pokemon. Its defenses are very poor, so it has a lot of trouble getting into and out of play. Still, it’s a viable set, if difficult to use, so here it is. You may notice certain similarities to The Mouse Who Roared set from last week, and you’d be right. The only major additions are the Choice Specs and Focus Blast, which is actually a lot of help. There are a fair number of Steel-types in the lower tiers, and Focus Blast will help crack their shells for you.

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